Lowly Service - Great Reward

Dr. G. Campbell Morgan was especially impressed by a poem someone gave him. It was written by a 19 year old servant girl whose household chores kept her occupied 12 to 15 hours a day. Later, at a service in Westminster Chapel, London, he read the homespun rhyme penned by this faithful worker and commented favorably upon its contents.

Lord of all pots and pans and things,
Since I've no time to be
A saint by doing lovely deeds
Or watching late with Thee,
Or dreaming in the dawnlight
Or storming Heaven's gates,
Make me a saint by getting meals
And washing up the plates!

Although I may have Martha hands,
I have a Mary mind;
So when I black the boots or shoes,
Thy sandals, Lord, I find!
I think of how they trod the earth
Each time I scrub the floor;
Accept this meditation, Lord;
I haven't time for more.

Warm all the kitchen with Thy love,
And light it with Thy peace.
Forgive me all my worrying
And make all grumbling cease.
Thou who didst love to give men food
In room or by the sea,
Accept this service that I do,
I do it unto Thee.

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