Memoirs of Our Lives

by Anila Pandian

Memoirs of Our Lives

I am writing a poem today, a wondrous poem it shall be
With words unlike any other, of beauty and of peace
So as I start to pen it down, would you care to join me?
Making thoughts both rare and sweet into a melody

Let us begin with your story, and then mine
Bringing memories hidden, into life
Thoughts forsaken and long forgotten
Come, dear friend let us unfold them

Help me learn the foundations of your life
That I may share in your ancestry pride
Tell me your joys and sorrows and sacrifices
Your inspirations and your heart’s desires

As we unravel our heritage together
We shall find a joy unlike any other
In rebuilding the lost and the broken
And leaving a legacy as a token

If I can reach you and you can me
My friend, we can create a harmony
And reach a world filled with despair
To show them that someone does care

Learning to understand one another
Growing to love our neighbors
Will keep us standing tall and together
A celebration that will last forever

-Anila Pandian

A wise king once said, ‘A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing’. Know that it is better to give than to receive. Today people are too busy to share their time with anyone. We are caught up in our jobs, our lives and our problems.
I wrote this poem thinking how most people loose the zest in their life cause they no longer find joy in anything. So how do you give yourself a treat? Get to know someone new or learn something new about an old friend. You will find so much that you have to give away- a smile to start with to even helping with dirty dishes! By giving a few minutes of your time to a lonely soul, sharing in someone’s sorrow, cheering someone else up, at the end of the day you will not only feel happy but you’d have gained a lot of friends!

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