Mercy and Grace

by Eric
(Burgettstown, PA)

I have an idea for a sermon and hoping Church leaders can use it to demonstrate God's love, forgive me if it's already been thought of, but I have never seen it done.

The Priest or preacher would have a large balancing scale in front of the pulpit or altar.
They may say something like: this is how God judges us, according to Jesus. If God were to add up all your sins on one side of the scale, it may look like this... then the church leader would start adding weights, or coins on one side. He or she could say the heavier weights or coins perhaps dollar coins were your big, mortal sins commited in your life. Then the fifty cent peices were serious sins, then the rolls of dimes and pennies were the venial sins, times you did not love, etc.
Comment on how the scale looks insurmountable and tipped not in our favor. Then, start adding coins on the other side, for times we showed love, mercy, forgiveness, unselfishness...dollar and fifty cent coins, for times we received sacraments, ... then rolls for pennies etc for times we went to mass or service, or gave alms, took care of an elderly, sick person, child or baby....etc

The scale may still be tipped in sins favor...then, take a wooden cross, show how it coincidently resembles the arms of the scale. then add that to the good side, showing how the sacrifice, love, and mercy of God through Jesus pushes the scale in our favor....then, add a Chalice, the cup of Christ, showing how His Blood shed for us adds to the scale. Then, perhaps a loaf of bread, representing the Body of Christ, further adds to the weight of the scale in our favor...showing how God's love, grace and mercy outweigh our sins, especially if we are repentant and we show mercy and forgiveness towards others.

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