by Joyce Anderson
(Jonesboro, Arkansas )

On this journey of life, trials we have some
But know times of refreshing surely will come
As in His presence we choose to wait
Knowing our FATHER is never too late

As we walk each day of our life
Through every struggle,trial and strife
The FATHER remains faithful and true
Walking with us and helping us through

With HIM there abides such joy and peace
And in HIM alone we find sweet release
Every need of ours HE does fulfill
As our lives HE bends to HIS will

Pleasure HE imparts to us alone
As we approach HIS very throne
A GOD of goodness,peace and great love
This FATHER of ours who reigns above

In awesome wonder so oft I am
To approach this GOD of Abraham
JEHOVAH JIREH who supplies all my need
And gives answer to every righteous plea

The performer of all that HE has spoken
And know that our enemy's power is broken
HE shall perform, HIS word is true
All HIS great promises for me and you

My knees bow down, I humbly do honor
This awesome GOD, this mighty wonder
All powerful and mighty and yet all love
This awesome ONE who reigns above

So high above yet concerned with me
As part of His creation only are we
As birds of the air so certainly our care
There is none like Him that can even compare

In HIS presence truly I long to remain
Drinking from HIS fountain I won't be the same
Standing there holding my cup for HIM to fill
There in HIS presence so peaceful and still

How I long and hunger for His presence divine
Only HE can truly satisfy this heart of mine
Thank you FATHER for giving access to YOUR throne
For my life is in YOU and YOU alone

In YOUR presence, in YOUR holy abode
My soul, my spirit as one of your fold
For these times of refreshing I truly do need
And for more of Your presence I truly plea

Times of refreshing, times of joy, peace, rest and love
Comes only from the FATHER who reigns above
As I come to partake of life from your throne
Yes as one of your creation YOU made for YOUR own


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Oct 29, 2012
by: Anonymous

Wow, this is both a praise song and a praise prayer to me. It has a lot of faith, trust and contentment in it. I will make it my prayer for today. Stay inspired!

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