On the Other Side

by Alex Reece
(Fort Wayne, IN)

“Well done” are the words you want to hear as you see a smile on your Father’s face
“You know I’ve always been quite near, my servant, you have won the race.”
Glancing to your father’s right hand, you see your savior there.
Scars on his wrist and tears in his eyes and the love he always shares.
Your Savior looks you in the eye, a smile on his face
You know he did not pass you by, his torture filled with grace.
You feel the spirit dwelling nearby, three parts of God in one,
The smile spread across the face of Spirit, Father, and Son.
You stop to think what it would be like to sit across the aisle,
All the forgiveness that you rebuked, you were sinning all the while.
The grace you can no longer reach; you know you had your chance,
The barriers of hell that cannot be breached, because of Satan’s trance.
You know your sin wasn’t worth it: all the torture in which you abide,
This is how your life would feel if on the other side.
Cold chills run up and down your spine, you’re glad it isn’t you,
The pearly gates are so divine, you are about to pass through.
Your faithful family and long lost friends of faith walk along,
Then the saved, in perfect harmony, lift up a heavenly song.
You understand the meaning of home and grace and love,
You understand the reason for faithful life lies above,
You know your faith was worth it; it now is all too clear,
On the other side you do not sit; you belong with your Savior here.

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