One Day, That Day, Today

by Susan Y Nikitenko

One day my sins became;
A burden to me.
I wanted to be free;
Grieved I desperately.

One day, In tears I cried;
"My God please help me.
Without you, I will die;
Living worthlessly."

One day, in His comfort;
I felt Him hug me.
At my lowest despair;
He said He loved me.

One day my heart was changed;
Like a new morning.
My goals were rearranged;
By Gods adorning.

One day I found New Life;
Like a flowing stream.
Found in God's gift alone;
His great love redeems.

One day, a new sunrise;
Happened in my soul.
The day I believed God;
His truth made me whole.

One day, I found new peace;
About my future.
Because I have a home;
In Jesus that's sure.

One day, a new desire;
Filled my hearts burning.
To please God of heaven:
My greatest yearning.

But one day I failed Him;
I cried on the floor.
I heard a still small voice;
"Go and sin no more".

One day I understood;
What grace really meant.
God's love rescued me;
Mercy heaven sent.

One day, I'll dwell with Him;
In Glory's bright land.
I'll gladly see Him;
Then kiss His scared hand.

That day, will be prefect;
I see it, in dream.
A beautiful greeting;
A heavenly scene.

Today, belongs to Him;
I belong to Him.
I am a child of God;
Loved and forgiven.

Susan Y Nikitenko
January 23, 2012

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