by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

May God Bless America

May God Bless America

Our Grand Old Flag
Flying strong and tall, shouting freedom to all
Our Grand Old Flag
May it never cease, as it waves for peace
Our Grand Old Flag
Stands for sacrifice , for freedom to suffice
Our Grand Old Flag
As the storms prevail, may it never ever fail
Our Grand Old Flag
It's in God we trust, God's will to adjust
Our Grand Old Flag

Our Grand Old Flag evokes feelings of patriotism in all of us. Men and women have given their best that it may proudly wave. In the words of Francis Scott Key, “O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave over the land of the free and the home of the brave.” Yes, it does; and all of us should pray that it will until our Lord returns.

I am a retired Church Lay Leader who specializes in freelance Christian writings, with a strong evangelistic message. It's my prayer that God will hide me behind His cross and that my publications will always center around the Lords Commissioning, as outlined in (Acts 1:8)

I feel very strongly that in today’s hectic stressful environment, more than any other period of time, Gods peace continues to ring true and continues to be freely available to all. I pray that the living God will contnue to bless all our service personnal. My family and I now attend a small Bible Church (Deerfoot Community Bible Church) in our city.

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