Pat Robertson or Robertson McQuilken?

by Dennis Michelson
(Novelty, Ohio)

Ephesians 5:25-33

Introduction: You have probably heard of Pat Robertson but may not have heard of Robertson McQuilken. McQuilken resigned his position as President of what was then known as Columbia Bible College to care for his wife, Muriel, who was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

He explained his decision this way - "When the time came, the decision was firm. It took no great calculation. It was a matter of integrity. Had I not promised, 42 years before, in sickness and in health . . .till death do us part? This was no grim duty to which I was stoically resigned. She had cared for me and now it was my turn to care for her."

Contrast this Christ-like attitude with the advice given by Pat Robertson recently on his televsion broadcast - "Divorce is acceptable if one's spouse has Alzheimer's disease." When Robertson was pressed by his co-host to comment on the "till death do us part" business, Robertson responded by saying that Alzheimer's was a "kind of death" and he would not fault anyone for getting a divorce and moving on with their life.

There you have a clear contrast between the two types of Christianity being offered in modern society. One is sacrificial and serving while the other is self-absorbed and self-centered. The text before us speaks clearly about these matters.

1. Marriage is a Mystery (5:32)

A mystery is a truth that is unknown and unknowable apart from Divine Revelation.

2. Marriage is a Ministry (5:25)

Ministry is not a hormonal surge of romance but a self-sacrifical crucifixion of self. (credit to Russell Moore)

3. Marriage is a Meshing of Members (5:31)

Meshing of members means that any amputation will leave lifelong consequences. The "one flesh" relationship is a great and mysterious truth. Regardless of the "reason" for amputating a member of your own body - the fact remains that the lost limb will affect the whole body.

4. Marriage is a Message (5:32)

The message is that Jesus stands by His Word! Our marriages should be sending the same message.

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