Prayer Poem

by William Gonzalez
(Harvard Illinois United States)

Lord, I've lived a life of sin, anger and sorrow.
Selfish choices made, with no thought about tomorrow.

With no regard for my body or mind.
Drugs and sin is all I seem to find.

I write this poem in hope that you.
Can guide me on the path that's true.

Forgive my sins and come into my life.
Soften my heart and rid all my strife.

Give me the faith and strength I need.
Plant in my heart, your heavenly seed.

Help me come to see the light,
So that I can endure and win this fight.

I'm entangled in the Devil's snares.
And it seems like nobody really cares.

I know I'm not worthy of your love,
but please send down that holy dove.

May the Holy Spirit guide me through the valley of death.
Until the day of my last breath.

May Jesus guide me into his fathers kingdom,
and answer my prayer for knowledge and wisdom.

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