Promoted to Glory

by Charles Robey
(Trussville AL)

Promoted to Glory
Was the old soldiers reward, Battle ribbons eternally restored
Promoted to Glory
A uniform so proudly to wear, A witness to many did share
Promoted to Glory
The collar shinning so bright, The "S" showing Salvations delight
Promoted to Glory
Marching to the old drum beat, Taking the Gospel to the street
Promoted to Glory
Waving the flag yellow red and blue, The faithful Salvation spirit to renew
Promoted to Glory
The message did proclaimed to all, To turn from mans evil sinful fall
Promoted to Glory
From the Army's retirement ranks, Old soldier, our Soldier
Now praising heavens angel flanks
Promoted to Glory

" Promoted To Glory" is the ultimate distinction given to a Salvation Army comrade , upon being called home by their Heaven Father to receive God's final promotion.

Dad and Mom received God's final Promotion, after over a half century of faithful Salvation Army service.

"His master said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful slave. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master"(Matthew 25:23)’.'

About The Author

As a retired Church Lay Leader, I pray that my freelance Christian writings, will give a strong evangelistic message, by centering around the Lords Great Commission, as outlined in (Acts 1:8). I also feel strongly that in today’s hectic stressful environment, more than any other period of time, Gods peace continues to ring true and is freely available to all.

PS One never retires from God's kingdom work. Amen

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