Sermons in the Sky

by Dennis Michelson
(Painesville, Ohio)

Psalm 19:1

Introduction: Many people today seem to be listening in places where God is not speaking and conversely not listening where He is speaking. David had two books he read constantly concerning his God - the sky and the Scriptures. He studied them both and we would do well to follow his example.

We must shift our focus from the horizontal to the vertical on a regular basis lest we forget that the One who made the hills (Psalm 121) and the heavens (Psalm 123) has everything under control.

1. God's Plan in the Sky - The Heavens

  1. The first heaven - God's omnipotence is seen.

  2. The second heaven - God's omniscience is seen.

  3. The third heaven - God's omnipresence is seen.

2. God's Preacher in the the Sky - Declare

Romans 1:20-21 tells us that God is constantly preaching a universal two-point message to all the inhabitants of the earth. Point one concerns His eternal power. Point two concerns His eternal Godhead.

3. God's Power in the Sky - Glory

The striking Hebrew term (KAVOD) translated as "glory" reminds us that the great God who is big enough to manage the universe can also do quite well with our lives. The bigger your God - the smaller your problems.

4. God's Person in the Sky - God

The eternal Godhead of the Almighty is plainly visible to all who will look. Romans 1 makes it clear that God has given this:

Revelation (1:17, 19-20) but mankind has resorted to:

Suppression (1:18) and as a result they engage in

Substitution (1:21-23) which ultimately results in

Reprobation (1:24, 26, 28)

Conclusion: There is a clear lesson here for the unbeliever and the believer -

The unbeliever is without excuse for WAITING!

The believer is without excuse for WORRYING!

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