Temporal Things

by Colan Hiatt
(Mount Airy, NC)

Just beyond the clear horizon
A storm was forecast, - on the way
It was imperative that we heed
The warning they issued today

They were asking all to evacuate
That they might escape its wrath
The magnitude indicated
Little would survive, in its path

There was only time for us gather
Basic essentials we would need
Medical and legal records
Allotted space we could not exceed

Furniture, heirlooms, and larger items
These things we must leave behind
What awaited at our destination
We didn't know what we would find

Many keepsakes we must forsake
"Life or things,"- we must make a choice
But consolation I can find
When I'm reminded of the Savior's voice

Luke twelve: sixteen gives a story
About importance of temporal things
The lesson Jesus gave is very clear
About the value eternity brings

The physical storm, is a metaphor
That should help us realize
When we consider eternal values
Will our selection, - - - be wise ?

Colan L Hiatt = 09-16-17
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