That's Peace

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

A child at play out on the lawn
With a brand-new long awaited toy
For a moment, all his cares are gone
That's peace

An elderly couple holding hands
After many sunsets through the years
Amid joy and sorrow, - love still stands
That's peace

When I beheld Him on the cross
And accepted that He died for me
My soul now free from sin and dross
That's peace

Condemnation abolished by His blood
The ultimate sacrifice, He freely gave
To know I'm safe, come fire or flood
That's peace

Empires and nations could find relief
From clutches of bondage, if they would
Embrace Him as their Lord and Chief
That's peace

He has promised that He would return
To take His chosen ones away
For this, believers wait and yearn
That's peace

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