The Christian Carrier

by Alex Reece
(Fort Wayne, IN)

The Christian Carrier delivers messages from Paul, Luke; The Spirit,
The words he carries, the message never varies; he cannot help but hear it.
He reads of Timothy, a man who is young, but grounded in the Word,
He reads of Corinth, and how Paul implored them to have the message heard.

The Christian Carrier hears it all, every book we often hear,
The Christian Carrier hears it all, he knows the Father’s near,
The Christian Carrier cannot see what’s hard to comprehend,
The Christian Carrier cannot see why nobody will defend.

He sits speechless, not a word can suffice, to tell the story of Jesus,
Of how we won’t listen, or live like we’re risen, from the sins from which He frees us.
He reads on and on, the letters he hears, the same message portrayed,
Of The Man beaten, The Man frees sin, The Man who was betrayed.

The Christian Carrier knows our story, knows our background of sin,
The Christian Carrier sits perplexed by why we still give in,
The Christian Carrier retains the messages and ponders our sinful choices,
He knows our stories and wonders why we don’t share them through our voices.

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