The cross

by Michelle Lee Carter

Oh Jesus died for us on the cross
so no souls would be lost

In the sun scorched wind
He paid the price for our sin

He rose again in victorious power
He is my strength and tower

OH the Lily of the valley died on that hill
He conquered death even while in sin still

He died for many and all
So that satan could not get through at all

So we thank Jesus for dyeing that day
We give our all to Him every night and day!!!!

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Jun 25, 2022
Your passion for Christ shines through
by: Carrie

I love especially the section of this poem:
"In the sun scorched wind
He paid the price for our sin

He rose again in victorious power
He is my strength and tower

OH the Lily of the valley died on that hill
He conquered death even while in sin still"

I love the mention of "the lily of the valley", which describes Christ himself and speaks of his second coming.

Such passion you have for Jesus that shines through beautifully here… So memorable ☺️🙏

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