These Shackles

by Ashley Tagoon
(Johnsonville Sc)

Take these shackles off my feet so I can dance, my heavenly father I've come to praise you, not so many knew in advance. In these shackles I cannot move, my life full of sin now all gone, I've reaped better than what I had sown. Mountains so high with the valleys so low, Lord hear my heart cry with mercy he bestowed. Pain and hurt they're thick as thieves, want you let me go, in these shackles they're both laughing, I heard a voice tell me no. This prison I keep you in is mine and mine alone, you hold no key you hold no light, death you will be shown. In these shackles I cannot move but God did say if I believed, trust in him with all my heart, eternal life I could achieve. So many times I turned away, I gave my life full to drugs, just once if I could feel God's true eternal love. My death would be an overdose, Satan he laughed right in my face, God stepped in right then while time stood still in its place. I felt this love rush through my veins, it's a love I can't explain, it's what I had been looking for, peace covered over me just like the pouring rain. Joy filled all around me like waves crashing in the sand, no need for words for his love he had showed all the while what I was holding in my hand. Back to the prison pain and hurt they laughed at me till in my hand they saw that key as I danced these shackles off my feet.

Comments for These Shackles

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Jun 07, 2022
These Shackles
by: Eva Johnson

I thought this was excellent expression, this poem brought out feeling of former captivity of pain but became a Victor. I loved it.

May 23, 2022
These Shackles
by: Anonymous

A prisoner set free. Glory to God! Beautiful expression!

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