Toddling Dead

by Ronald Jenkins

I walk in joyous heart for the love of God,
Strolling along gleefully wearing out my foot shod.
I see many things and that’s just what they are,
Cell phones and branding and sharp looking cars.
The people are dead, while they worship their phones,
Bowing and stiff, busy fingers they roam.
Lost in a powerless system of glitches and lust,
To ramble in a world not knowing God’s trust.
These toddling dead have a choice to be saved,
From walking in shadows and all that they rave.
Many doors to unlock brings the key of despair,
But the one door, the covenant, for you are the heirs.
He’s waiting for you, pierced hands on the cross,
Our pure light, the sacrifice, the King and the Boss.
The phones and the toys and things you won’t need,
Just faith and trust and with all you believe.

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