What Kind Of Life

by Samuel Williams
(Gladstone,Or. America)

If you're trapped in gratifying yourself with drugs and alcohol like me, this is how I ended up. No one was there to tell me what I shouldn't do.This life we have is quick and can be said to be an illusion like a mist hovering over a body of water, Right when you focus on it, it disappears. Are you going to be a memory to a friend left behind like I carry in my heart and mind of the friends who are dead now because they could not stop?

What kind of life do you want to live here and now?
It's really up to you anyhow.
I lived on the streets, for many years in L. A.,
Where life goes bad, seems like every day.
And the drugs will eat you alive along the way;
It will take your heath and all your money you will pay.

I left my home in North Carolina.
I never knew just what I had.
I found myself in California,
With a quarter and nickel, I bummed and I begged.

I remember some man said Jesus helps all.
He was handing out books and standing tall.
Looking at me He said Jesus knows who I am.
I said to him help me understand,
That's when my heart of ice melted and became God’s, man.
After all these years I’m still working on His plan.

God and His Son created lots of love,
It keeps spreading out everywhere.
If you don’t know about God's goodness,
Let someone help you to seek Jesus in prayer.

What kind of life do you want to live here and now?

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