by CharlesRobey
(Trussville, AL USA)

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are in the moon resting in the heavens light by night
You are in the Sun giving the needed warmth so bright

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are in the star twinkles hanging so royally in space
You are in the planets traveling precisely in their place

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are on the mountains standing so majestically high
You are in the valleys so deep under the shining sky

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are walking the crystal sand where life's beaches flow
You are hiding in the forest shadows 'neath the sun's golden glow

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are shining in the newborn's eyes so bright and so fair
You are resting in the elder's bosom just helping the despair

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are in our children as they grow in your image so sweet
You are in our mentor loved ones as they show love so neat

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are in our hearts patiently showing the right from wrong
You are in our souls waiting to place us where we belong

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are pleading for our faith to accept Your eternal grace
You are entreating our hearts to welcome your embrace

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are standing by to forgive our sins for which You did atone
You are preparing to accept us at Heaven's glorious throne

Where Can I Go Lord, Where Can I Go?
You are resting in Heaven's beauty at the Father's right hand
You are visiting the darkest depths sorrowing for the banned

An atheist was engaged in a public debate with a Christian about the existence of God. To emphasize a point he was making, the atheist wrote these words on a blackboard: "God is nowhere." In rebuttal, the Christian simply split the last word so that the statement read, "God is now here."

In this poem, based on Psalm 139, we are reminded that we cannot hide from God, that He knows all things ( Psalm 139:1-6), HIs presence is everywhere (Psalm 139:7-12), He knows all about us (Psalm 139:13-18), and His holiness destroys evil and makes known the far reaches of our hearts. (Psalm 139:19-24) Wow! What a doctrinal statement of scriptural fact! (II Timothy 3:16-17)

When you read how Psalm 139 demonstrates the awesome power of God, how can this power not give us assurance, strength, and comfort each day of our lives? How can an all-powerful, all-knowing Creator not care for us, not care for His own?

And whether you are reading this Psalm in the comfort of your home or in an airplane flying miles above the earth, He is surely there and one need only to call out to Him. His ears are always open to our cries for love and mercy. (Psalm 34:13-14)

As a small child, when I would do wrong, I would simply place my hands over my eyes in hopes that Mom could not see me. Obviously, my minuscule mind was certainly wrong, (Hebrews 4:14) and Mom would always make it plain in more ways than one, if you catch my drift.

Now, as adults, are we putting on the holy blindfolds to avoid seeing our wrongs? I pray not. Oftentimes, however, I wonder how God has time for all His other children, for having to keep me straight. Thank God he did and does, care for all His children.

"My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous." (I John 2:1)

Now, please read Psalm 139 and then ask, "WHERE CAN I GO, LORD?"

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