Who is God? #1

by James M
(Melbourne, Australia)

I am going to be talking about who God is. Everyone has their own idea or thoughts on who God is and I think that is the biggest influence on our response to God. I just believe that whoever you think God is; that is who he will be in your life.

Meaning, if you think he is a fictional character, and then he will be a fictional character in your life. If you think he is a boss who sets rules to make us suffer as we try to show our worth by doing religion over truth, then that is who God will be in your life.

If you think God is your faithful, strong God, who is always in control, the list goes on, and that is who God will be your life!

I want this message to bring a breakthrough to your mindset towards God, a revelation to bring people closer and have an intimate, personal relationship with God, which is what God wants to establish with you!

1. God is Loving.

Jonah 4:2

To begin with, God is certainly loving, there’s no doubt about that. A lot of people have heard the saying – ‘God loves’. But then they wonder why there is so much suffering, pain and evil all over the world or why they can’t enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. In other words, Sin with freedom. I have an answer.

The enemy created sin, so God uses that to raise us, teach us and help us grow in him as mature disciples, just like a parent wants to raise their child from a baby to a mature young adult. God will not help you unless you ask him. As all this madness is caused by the enemy; God weeps when he sees his children hurt.

God allows it to happen so we can seek God and seek his Kingdom. When we become believers, God adopts us as his own and welcomes us with open arms to the family of Christ, where there is LOVE, warmth, security and greatness! In order for that to happen for God, he had to sacrifice his own son...basically sent him to his death.

He so loved the world, so loved us that he felt he had to so we can be free. Now God has won the victory for us and we have the opportunity to establish a strong, intimate relationship with God! Don’t waste that golden chance. It is simply the greatest choice you will ever make, a life or death choice. Don’t waste it!

God has his eye on you, his ear listening to you and his heart feeling what you feel! He loves you so much, that he made a great effort to come onto our world and die for you, sacrifice himself for you. Doesn’t that make you feel important, worthy to God? Because if it doesn’t, then I don’t know what will.

Everyone in here and out there is loved by God more than you can imagine. Get closer to God and he will get closer to you, simple as that. Our God is a God of love

2. God is Faithful.

Deuteronomy 7:9

God is as faithful as he can be, he has faith in us, so much faith that he knows we are all perfect for his will. He is so faithful that he gives us so many chances. He had faith in Moses, who was a murderer, a man who ran from his adopted family, a man who was only a Shepard.

God called for Moses to free his slaves from Egypt; Moses was reluctant at first but God had the strong faith and the enormous patience for Moses and he ended up freeing the slaves and delivering them to the Promised Land!

He had faith in Gideon who, in the eyes of the world, was a nobody; but in the eyes of God, he was a warrior! God had the faith and patience to persist with Gideon as he kept testing God because he couldn’t believe what was going on. In the end, Gideon pushed the Midianites away from Israel.

Why should you be different? If you’re reluctant, why should God stop and not continue? Why should God see you as a minor, like the world does? The truth is he doesn’t. He has faith in you. A strong, unshakable faith in you and knows you can complete his will. He also has the patience for you.

God created you with his bare hand, as his work of art, why should he walk away from you? The truth is he won’t! For he is our faithful God and will always stand firm on his promise that he made to us.

I just have to say that you have a lot to look forward to if you learn to have faith in God. Your eyes will be opened! You will be amazed where you end up because God is a loving, faithful and patient God!

3. God is Strong


God is a strong God, an all powerful God. He is indestructible, and the enemy tried to beat him,
Isaiah 14:13-14. But all God did was kick him out of heaven! That’s how strong he is. We are made imperfect so we can go to God for strength, support and whatever else we need.

We all have weaknesses; God uses them to show us how strong he is. Have you ever felt weak, felt incapable to do something? I used to feel like that, and I would say, if I had heaps of big and strong muscles, I will be able to do anything.

That’s not true, because, later I found out that if you had a whole lot of muscle, you won’t be able to run as fast as a sprinter, jump as high as a high jumper or move as slick as an ice-skater. All it gives you is strength. I want to show you a better package of muscles you can work on.

‘Spiritual muscles’ are the best and you work on them by having daily communication with God, learning from the word, and living our lives submitted to his will. Those muscles never stop developing, they have unlimited strength, forever-lasting power and gives you great confidence.

In God, we are so strong that the enemy will find it harder to bring you down and he will need to do extra planning of how he will bring you down because he himself knows that God is stronger and we are stronger! God is loving, faithful, patient and strong!

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