Woman...Man's Biggest Blessing

by Richard Allen Kent
(Sullivan, Indiana, USA)

If you were asked today what man's largest blessing was, what would be your answer? I want to put the visual spotlight, so to speak, on one blessing most of us men seem to take far too lightly. This blessing I speak of is the woman that stands by our side day after day. This article is dedicated to you.

In the creation of all things God created a union between man and woman. A union blessed by a loving creator. Though sadly through the years, the enemy of such union has seemly slipped in and many fail to see the blessing right before them. Do we as men fully understand the beauty and complexity of the woman in our lives?

For in this union, mankind has learned to love and continue life. The love between a man and woman burns from the very core of us and yields us helpless to its power. Yet we would do anything to hold on to this fire, if but a second. My dear brothers in the Lord, God indeed has blessed us mightily.

What does the Word of God say about the woman in our lives? Let us seek the hand of God and his understanding so that we as men can truly know what God has declared. If we read in Ephesians 5: 25 - Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.

One very small scripture yet says so very much. The scripture says for us to love our wives as Christ did the church. How much did Christ love his church? The answer is he loved it with everything he had. He laid down his life for it. How many of us men today would do just that?

In reading also in the Word of God we know that during the creation of earth and of mankind that God reflects upon his work and says “it is good” (Genesis 1:16-18). But there is one place that God himself says is “not good”. Reading in Genesis 2:18 - "It is not good that the man should be alone”. So we see that the women in our lives are a direct blessing from God.

In this world we see so many viewpoints and opinions. Mankind has the ability to seemly altar and corrupt the things that are good. As we look around us, we can see that man has taken this blessing and allowed it to be tainted by the hand of Satan. Pornography, slavery, and the simple disregard for the honor and respect that I believe God would have us have to such a blessing.

Man has perverted the union between his creation, and attempted to make it something other than as it was intended. Often Christianity is looked at as lessening the woman’s role in life, but the truth is, that is anything but correct. Truth be told, we are most often empty or half what we could be or should be without such a blessing in our lives. Without the love of a good woman, I believe our lives are far less than God has ordained.

Today let us remember that we as men are indeed blessed. We are blessed with the love, companionship, and friendship that we need to exist in happiness. Take a moment and reflect and take serious thought into the magnitude of such a blessing. Let us kneel at the throne of God and give thanks. Let us speak blessings and not curses, and may the glory of God’s creation shine.

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