Yesterday's Holidays

by Colan L. Hiatt
(Mt. Airy, NC)

Reflecting back, to years gone by
Holidays held a special place
More than a party or a sale
A symbol of virtue, was the case

New Years Day,- intents were set
To reach a level, not yet attained
Striving for a higher goal
Lifting our standard, to a higher plane

Easter, should always depict
The Savior risen from the grave
To all who would believe this fact
Those trusting in Him, He will save

July's fourth, was set to proclaim
Independence from controlling power
Of those who would rule over you
And our liberty, they would devour

Thanksgiving day, explains itself
A time to remember, as we pause
The blessings of God's bounty
Amid our failures and our flaws

Christmas should without a doubt
Declare the coming of our King
It should always be the focal point
Of He who would deliverance bring

There are others that we may observe
If, they are worthy, we should respect
But let us consider and be mindful of
The true purpose they,- should project

Comments for Yesterday's Holidays

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Nov 16, 2014
by: Mark

Thanks Colan, you continue to bless us with your work.
In Christ,
Mark (Preachology)

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