You've Got To Know Truth From Sin, Kids and adults like this one.

by Samuel Williams

Well it all started out with Adam and Eve,
When Eve ate the apple off the apple tree.
Then Adam said to Eve let me try one of them,
That's when they learned Truth from Sin.

Now the Lord spoke to Jonah there's a city to save,
Go tell those folks they better change their ways.
But Jonah said who not me as he ran from Him,
What a way he learned Truth from Sin.

Paul to Damascus came a long, long way,
Out on the road He was blinded that day.
(Did you Know) Jesus spoke to Paul, changed him from within,
He really found Truth from Sin.

Now we have the Holy Spirit, He’s on our side,
Gives victory over troubles and convicts our pride.
Theres a battle out here the devil’s trying to win,
We need to know this Truth from Sin.

There’s Psychology and the shrink,
Many religions to make you think.
But to know where it's at and what's in,
You've got to know, I've got, got to know, We’ve got to know Truth from Sin.

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